Sunday, December 23, 2012


At the eastern tip of Nepal lies Khotang district a part with picturesque hills, temples and lakes. Khotang district is a hidden treasure of our country Nepal. This district is only 550 km away from the capital city Kathmandu, but due to geographical figure it takes 2 to 3 days to reach many places where the faces\people of different culture are making their livelihood. Eastern region including Khotang has one of the beautiful ranges of snow bedded mountains. Upper it goes from hilly to mountains we see the views which beholds our breath to capture the unedifying moment.
It is surrounded on its northern side by the snowcapped mountains and its lush green forests, deep river and beautiful lakes are simply mesmerizing. Due to the wide variety of altitudinal and climate conditions, different types of forest are found here. The unique feature of Khotang district is its inhabitants; in fact their diversity is quite fascinating. A large number of people practice their ancient beliefs and follow indigenous religious concepts. The tribes are also synonymous with music and dance and they display a wide array of dances unique to each tribe. Certain dances have a religious significance, while other performed for sheer entertainment.

Friday, October 19, 2012

धर्म निरपेक्ष राष्ट्रको खिल्ली

हिन्दू राष्ट्र भएका बेला सरकारले राज्यकोषबाट कर्मचारीलाई दशैं खर्च बाँड्न थालेको हो । निजामति प्रशासन, सैन्य एवं प्रहरी संगठन, स्वास्थ्य तथा शिक्षा सेवाका कर्मचारीलाई धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र भैसकेपछि पनि यसरी पेश्की बाँड्ने कार्यले धर्म निरपेक्ष राज्यलाई खिल्ली उडाएको छ ।
दशैंमा १५ दिनसम्म लामो सरकारी विदा दिने प्रचलन अव्यवहारिक हुँदै गएको छ । सरकारले यसलाई कम गर्न र बढीमा ५ दिनमात्रै विदा गर्नु उपयुक्त देखिन्छ । तर, दशैं खर्चवापत कर्मचारीलाई एक महिनाको तलब दिने प्रथा निजामति सेवा ऐनमा व्यवस्था गरिनु गलत छ ।

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Khotang background

Khotang which is well known for the Halesi Mahadev (East Pashupati) lies in Sagarmatha
zone of Eastern Region of Nepal. It is situated between Bhojpur district in the east;
Okhaldhunga districts in the west, Solukhumbu district in the north and Udayapur district in
the south. It is one of the poorest, most remote and undeveloped district with in the eastern
region of Nepal.
The poverty and remoteness of the district  is due to the limitation in mobility and
accessibility to the economic activities. Transport is one of the major components in
providing accessibility and hence increases the mobility for various requirements. Physically
it has rugged topography abraded by rivers and streams demanding high density of transport
infrastructure. With this geophysical complexity, large part of the district remains
inaccessible to road head.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Khotang is one of the beautiful district of Nepal. It is located in hilly region.The district headquarter of Khotang is Diktel.there are 76 villiage development committe in Khotang. There are 3 airport in Khotang.The neighbour district of Khotang are Bhojpur, Solukhumbu, Okhaldhunga. There are many hills and mountain in Khotang. The most popular mountain is Tamke.The population of Khotang is nearly 3 lakh.The main occupation of Khotang is agriculrure.